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Sydney Rooster 100 Years Celebrations - Australian Rugby league News
globalrugbyleague - Sat, 03 Feb 2007 22:55:00 GMT
The Sydney Sydney Roosters">Sydney Roosters official microsite dedicated to celebrating the club's 100th season in 2007 has been lauched. They are currently working tirelessly to plan special events and promotions
in order to showcase the club's proud tradition during our 100th
season. Attempting to create as many opportunities for
supporters, former players and officials to be part of these special
celebrations in 2007. The online resource allows you to learn
about the proud history of the club, watch historical moments in the
multimedia section, reminisce with other supporters and get involved in
the celebrations.The site will be regularly updated during the
build up to the Sydney Sydney Roosters">Sydney Roosters most significant milestone.Website http://www.sydneySydney Roosters">Sydney Roosters.com.au/100years/

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